
So much take away more

Suara senjata di sekitar kita, membuat sulit didengar.
Tapi suara manusia...beda dari suara lainnya,
bisa didengar mengatasi...
Suara-suara lain yang terkubur dari segalanya.
Walaupun tidak berteriak.
...Teriak, bahkan ketika...
walau hanya bisikan.
...bisa didengar melalui pasukan ketika berkata kebenaran.
SILVIA: Do you think I'm making it up? Why would I report a threat I didn't hear?
KELLER: People do.
SILVIA: I don't.
KELLER: Some people like attention.
SILVIA: I don't!
KELLER: Maybe you don't want Zuwanie at the U.N.
SILVIA: I didn't make it up.
KELLER: How do you feel about him?
SILVIA: I don't care for him.
KELLER: Wouldn't mind if he were dead?
SILVIA: I wouldn't mind if he were gone.
KELLER: Same thing.
SILVIA: No, it isn't. If I interpreted gone as dead I'd be out of a job, if dead and gone were the same thing there'd be no UN.
KELLER: Your profession is playing with words Ms. Broome.
SILVIA: I don't play with words.
KELLER: You're doing it right now.
SILVIA: No, you are. If I wanted him dead, I wouldn't have reported it. I would sit back and let it happen. That's not what I want, that's not why I'm here.

dir    : Sydney Pollack
cast  : Nicole Kidman as Silvia Broome, Sean Penn as Tobin Keller, Chaterine Keener as Dot Woods

source : here 

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