
Swing in the Air

...feeling good today...
is  like : swing in the air....


love y'all


Stack of Books

tidak tahu kenapa, saya suka melihat tumpukan buku...baik yang diatur sedemikian rupa bahkan yang ditumpuk begitu saja...Jadinya saya sedikit googgling so saya menemukan ini..

 source :here
sorce :here
this is my stack of books...

another bookworm_

then how do you stack your book???



Just : Happy B'day!!!

Mau ngucapin :
Selamat Ulang Tahun
to my Luvly brother Muhammad Hassan fuad
"Semua doa baikku untukmu, semoga berguna bagi semua, untuk hati hidup dan cinta_sekalian seru seluruh alam...digunakan dengan bijak yah umurnya"




I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind

And sometimes I get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes, clear your heart
Cut the cord

Are we human or are we dancers?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancers?

Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could

And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye, wish me well
You've gotta let me go

Are we human or are we dancers?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancers?

Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight?
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?

Are we human or are we dancers?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer

You've gotta let me know
Are we human or are we dancers?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancers?

Are we human or are we dancers?
Are we human or are we dancers?

Song writer/composer(s): Brandon Flowers, Dave Brent Keuning, Mark August
Stoermer, Ronnie Jr. Vannucci
Artis : The Killers

 There has been considerable confusion and debate over the line
"Are we human or are we dancer?" in the song's chorus. Many have
incorrectly heard "denser" instead of "dancer", a change which
significantly alters the interpretation of the song's meaning.
On the band's official website, the biography section states
that Flowers is singing "Are we human, or are we dancer?" and
also says that the lyrics were inspired by a disparaging
comment made by Hunter S. Thompson about how America was raising
a generation of dancers.

I love this song!!! 


Bila lelah...

Bila lelah itu datang
jiwa yang berbahagia pun ingin
segera pulas
..abaikan dunia, tak acuhkan hidup
kesah yang tertinggal, tawa yang tersisa
menjelma jadi sebuah mimpi_
Raga yang terlelap dikawal roh yang terjaga
bermain dalam jiwa
_jangan panggil dia_
bersamanya ku ingin menyapa pagi-Mu,
biarkan tetap abadi
hingga lelah datang lagi
hingga jiwa benar-benar lelah
dan roh sudah terlalu lelah untuk menjaga ragaku.



Christa Paffgen

"I have a habit of leaving places just at the wrong time, just when something big might have happened for me"
           Nico  ]

Christa Paffgen yang lebih dikenal sebagai Nico adalah aktor, model, Warhol superstar, dan penyanyi untuk Velvet Underground_Walaupun dia menemukan pendiriannya pas nyanyi bareng VU, Nico menjawab panggilan jiwanya dengan berkarir solo sebagai penyanyi-pencipta lagu dan sementara itu menemukan gothic music.
lebih dekat dengannya di :  NICO